Multiplaz 3500 Super New Welder Ready for Distribution to North American market.
Santa Monica, California
March 15th, 2011
Multiplaz, LLC officially began distribution operations effective March 2011, introducing its Super New Welding System, Multiplaz 3500.
The hallmark of the company, the Multiplaz 3500 Super Welding system promises consumers a “Feel today the technology of tomorrow” experience. The technology has been selling successfully for nine years in Europe and throughout the world, and is arguably considered to be the most advanced technological welding and cutting device on the market today.
Developed by European engineers, the product has racked up awards, including the prestigious Grand-Prix Award at the 26th World Invention Show Geneva, Switzerland. The Multiplaz process holds international patents, including North America, on this unique technology which utilizes a water-alcohol solution instead of a shielding gas, and perfection of the working process.
With a stealth weight of less than 19 pounds, the welding, soldering, brazing and cutting system, touts portability with all of the features intact. The Multiplaz 3500 plasma cutting torch uses water instead of air, and is non-toxic. Unlike all other air plazma cutters, which create a toxic pollutant during operation, the Multiplaz 3500 utilizes water instead of air, creating no nitrogen oxide, a toxic pollutant. The system eliminates costly exhaust systems mandatorily required for the North American and European continents, and is considered a breakthrough in green technology for its pollution free welding and cutting attributes.
The device offers two new features which revolutionize the industry. Welding, utilizing water and alcohol mixtures tailored to the type of metal being worked, versus shielding gases, and cutting, which runs completely off water. Consumers will face no inert gas of any kind. Multiplaz 3500, with no gases, allows welders to work in unventilated areas, another key feature for certain welding applications.
CEO Patricia Lewis-Hansen will head operations and comes from 14 plus years in consumer technology. Ms. Hansen worked with Chairman Founder of Sega of America David Rosen, introducing Sega video game technology products to North America, and was CFO of Optical Disc Media, Inc., who pioneered and replicated the first DVD in the North American marketplace. Ms. Lewis-Hansen said, “We anticipate the North American market to appreciate the Multiplaz 3500 system technology. No other product offers so much for so little. People will feel today a technology of tomorrow. So far consumers are telling us this tool is too good to be true, and yes, it is true. We are very excited to introduce this new clean level to the welding industry”.
Lewis-Hansen went on to state that, “to purchase comparable products which provide what the 3500 provides, would be over $4,000, and the Multiplaz product is under $2000”. Products are now offered online through, and the company is in process of signing resellers throughout the US and Canada.
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Multiplaz, N.A.